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Satellite Events

13 satellite events will take place around the III Latin American Conference on Drug Policy. These activities have the objective of broadening views and generating work agreements. A synthesis of these principal meetings in days before and after the Conference follows.

Regional Meeting of Young People that work with harm reduction in Latin America, with the objective of strengthening the network for the exchange of information. The activity is open and coordinated by Aram Barra. September 11th and 12th.

“Drug Policies in Latin America. Dialogue between governments and civil society,” a meeting to promote the articulation of initiatives between both sociopolitical actors. Organized by Intercambios, it’s a closed meeting in which many people from Latin America will take part such as Robson Rodrigues Da Silva, Alvaro Campos Solórzano, Jorge Hernández Tinajero, Graciela Touzé, and Juan Machin, among others. September 12th.

Dialogue between parliamentarians, members of progressive political forces, and specialists to identify the shared commitments with respect to the establishment of other drug policies,” consistent with social realities, convened by the Freidrich Ebert Foundation. Attendance only by invitation, moderated by Leonardo Burzio, with María Paula Romo (National Assembly of Ecuador), Marciela Contreras (Legislative Assembly of Mexico City), Carlos Obeido (international consultant of Colombia), and René Arce (Mexican senator) speaking. September 12th.

Representatives of African Portuguese-Speaking Governments will have a meeting to raise awareness about the panorama in the region and to find dialogue and cooperation with countries from Latin America in regard to the legal and social framework of the drug problem, due to the new role of Africa in the geopolitics of drugs. Convened by Agência Piaget para o Desenvolvimento (APDES), September 12th.

II Continental Meeting on Cannabis, which combines the presence of organizations, experts, and activists for the reform of cannabis laws. Among its participants include William Lantelme Filho, Jorge Luis Valencia, Martín Collazo, and Juan Vaz. Co-organized by Collective for a Comprehensive Drug Policy from Mexico and the Argentine magazine THC. September 15th.

PRESS ATTENCION: The complete list can be found at the “Satellite Events” button on the conference’s webpage: http://conferenciadrogas.com/2011/5911

Some of these meetings are closed. Participants are available to journalists for interviews or any other concern