» About Bogotá » About the city
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Located at the Eastern Cordillera de los Andes, at 2,650 meters above sea level, Bogotá stands as administrative, political and economic, cultural and touristic epicenter.

The land where the city sits was once a lake. Evidence of this are wetlands covering some undeveloped areas of the savanna and Suba. Because of its high altitude, Bogotá has a moderate climate of height, which varies according to the months of the year, between 9 and 19 degrees Celsius, depending on the season. The rains are frequent and unannounced and usually take tourists by surprise.

Cosmopolitan city of about eight million people is one of the fastest-growing metro areas, nationally and in relation to other South American countries. This fascinating village, known for offering a variety of festivals and promoting artistic and intellectual expression, is Mecca of vibrant and diverse cultural movements, being evidence of this, the proclamation as World Book Capital, granted by UNESCO in 2007, its designation as “City of Music”, in March 2012, and as part of the Creative Cities Network, granted by the same organization.

Classical and modern, it combines colonial architecture with intelligent building technology; Bogotá allows to apprehend not only its historical past but also perceive a Colombia aligned to progress and empowerment, generated by an unceasing renewal movement that seeks not only to maintain, but also strengthen typical cultural traditions of the city.

Its science and technology centers, futuristic buildings, recognized universities, strong industrial representation, and constant international tourism, shows the strong dichotomy prosperity – poverty, making Bogotá one of the most chaotic, fascinating and aggressive metropolises worldwide.