» Satellite Meetings » Seminar for Journalists
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The Seminar for Journalists “Drug Policies in Latin America”, organized by Intercambios Asociación Civil, with the sponsorhip of the Pan American Health Organization,  Red Salud and Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa, and with support from the Open Society Institute, will be held on December 4 in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, the day before the Fourth Latin American Conference on Drug Policy.

The aim of the seminar is to create a critical group of trained and committed journalists from a perspective related to respecting human rights, inclusive policies, drug policies reform and harm reduction, so that from their professional role they can contribute to strengthening democratic processes in Latin America.

It is a specialized seminar, in Spanish, for twenty two Latin American journalists, ten from the region and twelve from Colombia, including seven from Bogota and five from other cities of Colombia.