» Press » Seminar for Jounalists
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The Seminar for Journalists “Drug Policies in Latin America” organized by Intercambios Civil Association and with the support of the Pan American Health Organization (OPS) and  Foundation Open Society Institute  (FOSI), will take place on the 12th of September from 9:00am to 6:00pm in Mexico D.F., on the day previous to the 3rd Latin American Conference on Drug Policy. It is a seminar specialized for twenty (20) journalists from Latin America, ten (10) of the region, and ten (10) from Mexico.

Registration will be open until Sunday, July 31st of 2011.

To be granted:

  • 10 complete scholarships for Latin American journalists (not Mexican) for attendance at the Seminar and at the 3rd Latin American Conference on Drug Policy. It includes flights, accommodation, and meals for 4 days and 3 nights as well as free registration to the Seminar; it does not include process of VISA or passport.
  • 10 partial scholarships for journalists of Mexico for attendance at the Seminar. It includes free registration to the Seminar and meals on the 12th of September. It does not include travel or accommodation.

Apply for a scholarship in order to participate in the Seminar for Journalists and cover the 3rd Latin American Conference on Drug Policy.

The seminar will be only in SPANISH

Complete the form and attach the requested files PDF format only

Editor’s note must be submitted on letterhead of the media and be signed by the editor. (attachments in Word or pdf format).

For more information, write to: seminarioperiodistas@conferenciadrogas.com

Contact: Romina Ruffato  / Eva Amorín