» About the Conference » Scientific Committee » José Antonio Caballero
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He received his law degree at the Faculty of Law of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Later, he obtained a doctorate in law at the University of Navarra, Spain. José Antonio Caballero also has a master degree in law from Stanford Universities.

He is a Senior Researcher “B” of the Institute for Legal Research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. National researcher level II in the National System of Researchers. Currently he is director of the Legal Studies Division of the Center for Economic Research and Teaching AC.  And works on issues related to the judicial function, the administration of justice, access to justice and public safety.

He has published books, book chapters, papers and articles on various topics related to their work areas. He has taught at various universities and institutes of judicial training. He has also worked as a consultant on justice-related projects with various national and international organizations.