» Previous Conferences » Argentinean conferences » CONFERENCE 2007
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Conclusions and Perspectives

The Fifth National Conference on Drug Policy, organized by INTERCAMBIOS Civil Association, took place in Buenos Aires on August 27th and 28th at the Auditorium of the Argentine National Congress, and was attended by more than 450 participants.  For the first time, three high ranking national government officials made statements in favor of harm reduction as a public policy; the Home Affairs Minister Aníbal Fernández, the Vice president of Argentina and President of the Chamber of Senators Daniel Scioli, and Subsecretary of Prevention Programs for the Ministry of Health Andrés Leibovich made the distinction between the persecution of drug traffickers and the health care of drug users.

The National Conference on Drug Policy brought together legislators, judges, policymakers, representatives from NGOs, drug users, and professionals from both the judicial system and health institutions. The conference, declared of interest by the Honorable Chambers of Deputies and Senators of the Nation and declared of legislative interest by the City of Buenos Aires Legislature, took place with the support of the Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (FONCYT) of the National Scientific and Technological Promotion Agency, Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

INTERCAMBIOS Civil Association is a non-governmental organization that has been dedicated to studying and addressing drug-related problems for 12 years. Through this event, it introduced the debate to the highest legislative levels.

Speaking at the Opening Ceremony, Graciela Touzé, president of Intercambios, stated: “For too long we have watched as drug policies have promoted a stigmatizing construct, emphasizing categories of crime and disease, and thus ignoring the deep social roots of the problem and consolidating an approach based on criminalization and medicalization, which has been the cause of so much suffering.”

Touzé added: “It is time we recognized that the persecution of drug users, an unequal persecution which particularly falls on the poor, has the effect of making their access to health care difficult, and subjects them to intolerable discrimination.”  In conclusion, she encouraged the establishment of “coherent debate and practice” and of the decriminalization “in law and in practice of the possession of drugs for personal use.”

Home Affairs Minister Aníbal Fernández said during his opening address: “I am convinced that the drug issue cannot be resolved by the police, judges, district attorneys, politicians and doctors alone. It is a problem which affects us all and is everyone’s responsibility. In a democracy, a person who is addicted to legal or illegal substances should be able to exercise their right to health and to a harm reduction plan.” The Minister added that his Department aimed to “differentiate public health policies of harm reduction, so that criminal persecution can be taken care of by us at the Ministry of Home Affairs. We know that we will be criticized by some, but we suggest that the critics take another look at all the United Nations documents that propose the separation of criminal aspects and health policies.”

For his part, the Vice President of Argentina and President of the Chamber of Senators Daniel Scioli agreed with the words of the Home Affairs Minister and gave recognition to Intercambios for over ten years of work dedicated to drug policies from a harm reduction perspective.

In referring to Harm Reduction strategies, the Deputy Secretary of Prevention and Promotion Programs of the National Ministry of Health, Andrés Leibovich, said, “We were criticized in 2002, when we provided drug users with prevention supplies. I think that today the Argentine public is accepting these strategies.”

Finally, María del Carmen Rico, Second Vice president of the Commission for the Prevention of Addictions and Control of Drug Trafficking of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, said: “We know that public health in our country has not incorporated harm reduction. That is why it is important to face up to the debate without being afraid of stating our positions, and saying what we think. We need one strong unifying force: the defense of human rights.”

A context for a phenomenon

On the first panel on The socio-cultural context of the drug phenomenon”, Graciela Zaldúa, lecturer of the Masters in Community Social Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology, of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) said: “There is a preventative rhetoric that focuses only on parenting, which places the responsibility solely on the family, searching in particular for epic healing through mothering. Addicts rely on consumption to make events predictable, by seeking and suffering a particular state that is always the same, and thus predictable. This tells us something in our own context. The challenge is to think along different lines, to offer other paths for building hope in the future.”

Gabriela Diker, an education specialist and Vice president of the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies Foundation, who works with children and adolescents in complicated situations, spoke of the problem arising from the current trend of burdening education with preventative issues. “The effect is that education itself is sidelined, it is clear that to think that education is an antidote to the evils of society is absurd.” At the same time, she urged people to think that education “on certain occasions can challenge concepts of inevitable destinies, but from an empowering rather than preventative approach.”

In his presentation, Mario Pecheny, researcher for CONICET and the Health and Population Section of the Gino Germani Institute, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), remarked that “the context is the phenomenon. It does not merely surround it, it is part of what generates and reproduces the phenomenon.”  Pecheny warned against the processes of depoliticizing the drugs issue, which in his opinion take place through three mechanisms: medicalization, criminalization and victimization. “These three processes decontextualize in a profound sense, because they reduce the problems to individual, private issues.”

Local drug policies

A panel on “Local drug policies” looked into governmental experiences. Damián Lavarello, general coordinator of the Rosario Municipal AIDS Program - one of few examples in Argentina where work is carried out through the state from a harm reduction perspective - warned that “the Harm Reduction strategy in Rosario is very partial, there is resistance against its implementation and it is easily interrupted.”  Lavarello pointed out that this is due to the resistance of public health staff against incorporating this perspective. “We believe that drug users should be able to consult the health service, and should be able to receive assistance without an obligation of abstinence.” In his view, the current challenge is “to achieve the full institutionalization of harm reduction.”

Claudia Petracca, coordinator of the General San Martin Municipal AIDS Program, from a district of Buenos Aires province with a population of 400,000 and unemployment rates above 20 percent, talked about the process of institutionalization of the program as municipal policy, incorporating harm reduction. There are currently 643 drug users and 257 injecting drug users in the program. Despite these figures, Petracca pointed out that there are still many weaknesses, linked to: (1) the stigmatization of drug use by health workers; (2) criminalization of drug consumption; (3) the absence of harm reduction on the national agenda; (4) obstacles between the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of attention and (5) that drug use continues to be a hidden practice.

Lidia Saya, congressional representative for the City of Buenos Aires and co-author of the Law for the Prevention and Treatment of Addiction and Substance Abuse and Patricia Segovia, Deputy Secretary for Attention to Addictions of the Ministry of Health for Buenos Aires province also spoke on the panel.

In closing the debate, and after many questions from the audience about harm reduction and abstinence, the Chair, Marcelo Vila, of Intercambios, pointed out that “when the presence of new models is generated, there is tension. Even though there are tensions and important differences in the ideological plane, there are programmatic aspects that can be brought together because there is commonality of concerns.”

A global view of drug trafficking

A Panel on Regional Geopolitics of Drug Traffickers and Antidrug Policies took place at the end of the first day of the conference. The international analyst on drug and security issues Ricardo Soberón Garrido, member of the Transnational Institute (TNI), made reference to the shortcomings of the current war against drugs in the Southern Cone Region of Latin America. He stated: “Over the last ten years, drug trafficking has adapted in response to the policies of the OAS, Colombia Plan, and the more recent México Plan, and what we are seeing is that national systems of repression are focusing on the wrong things, wasting money, and creating serious problems. The question is what will happen when this starts to affect those of us who live in these cities and we see how these sectors begin to take over public spaces in an unstoppable fashion.”

From interventions to ethics

On the second day of the Conference, the first topic was “Bioethics and Human Rights,” and different points of view regarding the relationship between different paradigms of attention to drug users were presented.

Patricia Sorokin, Vice president of the Latin American Forum of Health Research Ethics Committee Members (FLACEIS), remarked that the ethical challenge for professionals is “to do not what we think is best for others, but to respect what others think is best for themselves.”  The expert stressed that “we find it very difficult to reflect on the implications of limiting people’s autonomy; we assume that using drugs renders them incapable, impotent or incompetent.”

The National Director of Assistance of SEDRONAR, Alejandro Gregori began his presentation with the question, “Do addicts have rights?” Gregori stated that “addiction patients are seeking their own destruction and this is where the ethical problem occurs for professionals. The point is that a patient with an addiction has a solution, not a problem. Many patients in the penal system or who are in treatment as a result of family pressure, who did not think they would be helped, are grateful in the end for having begun treatment albeit coercively.”

Roberto Gallinal, from Uruguay, spokesperson for the Southern Group of the Ibero American Addictions Network (RIOD), offered another perspective. He warned that within the drugs issue, health ends up becoming a “white arm” of the criminalization approach. A “healing industry” is created with “white prisons,” where on one hand people who have been through the experience provide the care, and on the other hand there is an “over psychiatrization.” Gallinal asked: “What happens when a user who is penalized by law can make choices about his treatment with the institution? Can he decide which therapist he wants to see? Can he disagree with the program? What is certain is that if he does not agree with the program, he will face a different prospect in his life.”

Finally, Rubén González, president of the Argentine Federation of Non-governmental Organizations for the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Abuse (FONGA), presented a review of the institutionalization of therapeutic communities in Argentina and he talked of the ethical challenge presented by the current reality of cocaine base paste: “Our treatment methods were never about a particular substance, we always talked about people, but this substance is devastating. That is why we are trying to create programs specifically to respond to the ‘paco’ (base paste) issue.”

Laws, security forces and justice

On the panel about “National Drug Legislation,” the first speaker was the Attorney General of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Province of Buenos Aires, María del Carmen Falbo, who analyzed the experience of working on the de-federalization of actions against the illegal drug trade. She talked of the difficulties that were found in researching drug commercialization: “From December 2005 to August 2006, 58 per cent of the cases brought to us by the Buenos Aires police were of youths arrested for possession for personal consumption. In the meantime, our teams were telling us: ‘Around the corner from where those youths were arrested, there is a drug den.’”

Falbo explained that in order to change this situation, the following measures were taken: (1) to ensure the guaranteed and uninterrupted presence of district attorneys during raids; (2) police to be informed of this upon arrival, and never before; (3) permanent contact with the Ministry of Security; (4) the statement of the suspect not to be taken when it is understood that it is of no importance; and (5) police records not to be kept for youths arrested for consumption.

In his speech, Deputy Juan Héctor Silvestre Begnis, president of the Social Action and Public Health Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, said that the question of health has been sidelined in the approach to the drug issue: “The organization of our Drug Addiction Office replicates the model of the DEA. Yesterday we heard that ’so long as this model comes from international organizations, it is constrained.’ Can we design and finance an Argentine model? None of the projects presented at Congress consider this possibility.”

The traps in the penal system for drug consumers were discussed by federal attorney Carlos Rivolo, from Federal Criminal and Correctional Court No. 2, who pointed out that very few of those patients who enter into treatment through the judicial system complete the treatment. “The repressive system has not worked. It is time to focus on health, and if prevention is not enough, we must provide another answer, but not from the penal system. Perhaps those who do not like the matter to be removed from the criminal codes do not want it to be taken out of the judicial system either.”

In closing this panel, the District Attorney Mónica Cuñarro, Executive Secretary of the Drug Trafficking and Complex Criminology Issues Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Home Affairs, asserted that in Argentina today “two instruments are colliding: that which compels the country to prosecute drug dealing and that which compels us to comply with the right to health. When there are two positions, that which aims to protect the integrity of a person must prevail.”

Ten years after the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS)

In 1998, the General Assembly of the United Nations dedicated a special session to the drugs issue. These special sessions are known as “UNGASS.” The Assembly produced agreements that were ratified by the Member States and which, ten years later, must be reviewed and evaluated. A new meeting to review the targets will take place in one year. A round table was organized as part of the Conference to discuss the “Review of the Targets of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs.”

The first speaker was Ricardo Soberon Garrido, international expert on Drugs, Security and Amazonian Issues of the University of Lima, Peru, who recalled that in 1998 the international community agreed that quantifiable indicators should be adopted for the eradication of supply and demand. This should enable us “to consider, at the national level, the need for a serious, transparent and scientific evaluation.”

According to Soberon Garrido, there is little chance for states to make a difference in the little time left. “I would say that in the Southern part of Latin America - that is, Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina - there are experiences that should be at the very least listened to, because in countries such as Colombia, Peru and to a lesser extent Ecuador and Bolivia, regrettably, it is difficult to think in the same terms, because the problem presents itself differently. Our question is: Does the eradication of plantations aid the reduction of supply or not?”

The coordinator of the National Drugs Policy Commission of the Brazilian Penal Research Institute, Maurides Ribeiro, shared the Brazilian experience in penalization of drug use. “Although in Brazil the law does not contemplate imprisonment of drug users, there are alternative sanctions, and therefore the activity is still criminalized through a range of other measures.”

In his presentation, Ricardo Di lele, member of the International Drug Issues General Board for the Ministry of International Relations, Commerce and Culture, stated that “the review of the UNGASS targets is a journey that has only just begun. This is a good time to revise the strategies that were adopted and to correct the mistakes that were made.”

Mariana Souto Zabaleta, Institutional and International Relations Coordinator of the Technical Planning and Drug Trafficking Control Office of Sedronar, stated that she does not think we are in time to change things, “we are in time to take stock and realize the truth of the situation.”  The expert raised the problems around the existing information systems and on the evaluation criteria of drug policies. She enumerated the troubles related with the instruments to a formal evaluation: (1) information about the problem evolution based on estimations; (2) impossibility to measure the “impact”; (3) problems around fulfillment level and to the revision of the information; (4) absence of convincing data on central areas of the problem; and (5) deficiencies in national information systems.

The panel ended with a presentation from Graciela Touzé, president of Intercambios, who remarked on the experience of UNGASS’s with HIV/AIDS, in which transparency of information and processes and the role of civil society organizations are key. “When it comes to drugs, things appear to be more obscure, information is less accessible, and participation by civil society is more restricted.” She also reminded the audience that some United Nations offices dedicated to the drug issue systematically sideline experiences of harm reduction for the health care of drug users. In closing, she agreed that she was not optimistic about the completion of a scientific, objective and transparent evaluation to be presented to the UNGASS target review next year, but the fact that the topic has been brought to debate is welcome.

Closing the event, Pablo Cymerman of Intercambios emphasized: “We hope that with this Conference we have inspired multisectorial work involving different areas of government, academia and civil society.”  He spoke of the new expectations arising from “the importance of exchanging views in relation to the criminalization of drug possession for personal consumption” and identified as a challenge their incorporation into concrete public policies.