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The social issue derived from the increasing production, trafficking, and consumption of illegal drugs constitutes an unquestionable theme of transcendence in the current local, national, regional, and global contexts. The media, as the element of interaction between news events and the public in general, are also live entities that help form opinions and promote reflections, analysis, reframing, and proposals in the creation of new solutions of these highly urgent collective problems.

Given this serious emerging reality, it is essential that those who practice journalism in themes related to this socially relevant problem count on specialized and current training, including the alternative solution proposals, to create well-based journalistic pieces that present the facts and analyses in a very broad, realistic, and solid manner to the corresponding public with the goal of optimal outcomes.

For these reasons and more, the Third Latin American Conference and First Mexican Conference on Drug Policy, with the participation of some of the most well-known and informed panelists from the continent in diverse environments involved with the subject, carriers of creative visions and purposeful citizen, institutional and academic perspectives, constitutes an extraordinary opportunity for those who look to update their visions of exercising responsible journalism regarding the topic of drugs.

In the Second Latin American and First Brazilian Conference on Drug Policy, more than 400 people participated, including government representatives, experts from thirteen countries in the region, and officials from the United Nations. In this upcoming conference which Mexico will host, the relevance of this Latin American event is already tangible. We therefore extend a warm and cordial invitation that you attend and participate.



Organized by Intercambios Civil Association

and the Colectivo Por Una Política Integral Hacia las Drogas (CUPIHD)

13 and 14 of September / 2011

Crowne Plaza Hotel of Mexico

Mexico City


Paulina Duarte (Brazil)

National Secretary on Drug Policy, Ministry of Justice

Robson Rodrigues Da Silva (Brazil)

Commander, Peacekeeping Police Unit, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Mike Trace

President, International Drug Policy Consortium (only English)

Steven Dudley (United States)

Journalist. Co-director of Insight, an initiative designed to monitor, analyze, and investigate organized crime in the Americas.

Giselle Amador (Costa Rica)

Director, Institute on Alcoholism and Pharmaceutical Dependence.

Graciela Touzé (Argentina)

Teacher and investigator, Faculty of Social Sciences in the University of Buenos Aires. President of Intercambios Civil Association.

Maristela Monteiro

Consultant in the area of alcohol abuse and other substances in the Pan American Health Organization.

Jorge Hernández Tinajero (Mexico)

Professor, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM. President of CUPIHD.

(among other participants)


Consequences of the War on Drugs

The Perspective of International Intergovernmental Organizations

Drugs, Identities and Worldviews

Drugs, Security and Human rights

Socially Healthy Responses: Experiences and Challenges

Latin America in an International Context

More information

TWITTER: @confedrogas



Press Contacts

For Mexico

CUPIHD: +52 (55) 5658 6518

Silvia Solís: +04455 1006 7647

For other countries

Intercambios Asociación Civil: +54 11 4954 7272
Eva Amorín: +54 9 11 15 4401 4630

Horacio Torres: +54 9 11 15 6794 6315

Romina Ruffato: +54 9 11 15 54884033

http://www.conferenciadrogas.com - prensa@conferenciadrogas.com - lista@intercambios.org.ar

Twitter: @confedrogas