» Program » Speakers » Eduardo Guerrero Gutierrez
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Eduardo Guerrero Gutierrez. (México). MA and PhD in Political Science and Public Administration. Expert in security, violence and organized crime.

By training and experience, Eduardo is an expert in transparency and professionalization of public service.
Eduardo graduated in Public Administration and Political Science in the College of Mexico, and he has a MA and Ph.D. from the University of Delaware and the University of Chicago.

Eduardo was an advisor in the Office of the President of the Republic, the Center for Investigation and National Security, and in the Chamber of Deputies. He held senior positions in the Ministry of Social Development (SEDESOL), the Federal Institute of Access to Information (IFAI ) and the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE). Currently, Eduardo Guerrero is a Founding Partner of Lantia Consultores, SC, a consulting firm specializing in public affairs.

His articles on security and organized crime in Mexico are regularly published in the magazine Nexos.