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Within the framework of the IV Latin American Conference on Drug Policy


Welcome to the second edition of the Latin American Journalism Award on Drugs Topic in Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by Intercambios Civil Association in Argentina, in order to encourage journalists in Latin America and the Caribbean to develop ethical treatment, quality and respect for human rights in relation to this issue.


• Recognize those journalists who work this issue with commitment, and with reliable and captivating information.

• Value the role of journalism as a public service in areas where accurate information, presented with ethical sense is essential not to deepen criminalization, prejudices and repressive policies that threaten democracy.

• Expand the dissemination of a non-punitive perspective and renovating public policies on drugs in the area.

• Achieve a greater interest from the Latin American press on drug-related issues, both from a geopolitical perspective as from health and related socio-cultural aspects.


1st Place: U $ S 1000 and full scholarship (airfare, lodging, meals and registration) to the II seminar for journalists and the IV Latin American Conference on Drug Policy to be held on 4, 5 and 6 December 2012 in Bogotá, Colombia.

2nd Place: U $ S 500 and full scholarship (airfare, lodging, meals and registration) to the II seminar for journalists and the IV Latin American Conference on Drug Policy to be held on 4, 5 and 6 December 2012 in Bogotá, Colombia.

3rd Place: Diploma and full scholarship (airfare, lodging, meals and registration) to the II seminar for journalists and the IV Latin American Conference on Drug Policy to be held on 4, 5 and 6 December 2012 in Bogotá, Colombia.


• Drugs and Health

• Alcohol consumption

• Harm Reduction

• Treatment experiences

• Economy on drugs

• Geopolitics of Drugs

• Drug trafficking actors

• Criminalization of consumers

• Organized Crime

• Cartels

• Drugs and Culture

• Ancestral uses of substances

• Militarization and drugs

• Drugs and Human Rights

• Organized Crime  and drug trafficking

• Drugs and political context

• Reforms of Drug laws

• Substance use and everyday life

• Drug Use: discrimination and stigmatization

• Drugs and gender

Deadline for registration and job submission via the Internet: October 30, 2012

• PARTICIPANTS: journalists, over 18 years, living in Latin America and the Caribbean and have their passports or travel documents up to date.

• Journalistic genres: articles may be sent in any journalistic genre (chronic special report / article, interview, etc..) to address some of the proposed themes.

• Authorship: may be individual or collective, always containing name and signature of all coauthors. In case of rewarded coauthored articles, the scholarship (travel, accommodation and travel allowance) to attend the IV Conference on Drug Policy will be granted one of its authors, designated by themselves.

• Dates of publication of articles contestants: Articles must have been published in print or web (newspapers, magazines, fanzines, etc..) Commercial or alternative, between August 1, 2011 and October 15, 2012.

• Language: Spanish or Portuguese.

• Number of articles: each journalist or team may submit a single job.

• Publication: items sent will be available on the website of the Latin American Conference on Drug Policy, which may be viewed by participants and the general public.

Registration and bases

Until October 30, there is time to send attached the text of the journalistic article postulated. In addition, the journalistic article should be sent in PDF format, along with a certificate of authorship, email: certamen@conferenciadrogas.com

The certificate of authorship should include:

- Name of author or authors

- Article Title

- journalistic genre

- Name of the media where it was published

- Date of publication.

This certification must be submitted on paper, bearing the letterhead of the media, and signed by the publisher or the authorized representative.

Please, also send a contacto telphone or cellphone.

Only when receiving by email the article and the certificate of ownership, the participant  journalist is formally registered in the contest. You will receive an email from the organization confirming reception.

Sending the article does not mean transfering intellectual property rights.

However, it authorizes its publication on the website of the Latin American Conference on Drug Policy and its dissemination by  print, or electronic media that intend to promote the Award, without giving place to any type of payment.


El jurado estará integrado por tres reconocidos periodistas latinoamericanos.

Jury Criteria

• Narrative and journalistic interest

• Quality of writing

• innovative information

• Diversity of sources

• Respectful approach on human rights

• Contribution to reflection and debate

• Graphic / visual Proposal


On November 15 it will be announced the results of the Award, through the web and by email to all / as the contestants.

The winning works will be published on the website of the Latin American Conference on Drug Policy and the Civil Association Intercambios.

The awards ceremony for the winners of the first and second place will be in Bogota, Colombia in the context of the IV Latin American Conference on Drug Policy.

Information and contact

María Sol Wasylyk Fedyszak

phone: (54 11) 4954 7272 / 1558633790

Email to send articles: certamen@conferenciadrogas.com

Web page: www.conferenciadrogas.com

Deadline for registration and submission of papers via Internet: October 30, 2012