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Panel – Consequences of the war on drugs

The paradigm of the war on drugs has brought with it a number of consequences that aggravate the problems in the region: violence, crowded prisons, money laundering, increase in poverty,  insecurity of rural populations because of the forced eradication of crops, and health and environmental problems due to air crop dusting, among others. What is the extent and dimension of these problems? How do we face them?

Panel – The perspective of international inter-governmental organizations

International intergovernmental organizations play a key role in the development of policy in the region, providing a framework for the public agenda through its technical and financial assistance programs. Agencies of the Organization of American States as well as the United Nations, recently have approved new plans of action and statements of compromise regarding the topic of drugs. What is the perspective of those organizations with respect to the numerous challenges that Latin America faces? What degree of priority does the region have in the agenda of the multilateral organizations? How can the international community cooperate to move towards more effective and humane responses?

Panel – Drugs, Identities and Worldviews

Since immemorial times, psychoactive substances appear tied, to mythic accounts that offer to different cultures an integrated vision of the world. Latin America is particularly rich in narrations with a highly symbolic emphasis that give, among other things, transcendental meaning to coca, ayahuasca and peyote. What do these ancient accounts tell us? How do these cosmogonidy traditions coexist with a culture in which drugs have been transformed into a fetish?

Panel – Drugs, security and human rights

The drug “issue” presents a multifaceted analysis and, among other aspects, relates with conflict management. The social construction of the drug phenomenon is met by prejudices and stereotypes that reinforce punitive perspectives. What challenges does substance control entail? How do the discourses about safety/ insecurity impact conflict management ? How can we construct regulation standards that protect public order, public health and human rights?

Panel – Socially healthy responses: Experiences and Challenges

Comprehensive care for drug users implies the development of complete, complementary and multi-sector strategies that deal with prevention, assistance for problematic consumption, harm reduction and social integration. How do they confront these challenges in the region? What proposals exist to improve the access and quality of service? What are the outstanding debts?

Panel – Latin America in an international context

In a global context characterized by two fundamental processes of globalization and regionalization, Latin America shows heterogeneity in both its development and its political orientation. In relation to drug policy, historically the region has followed external alignments, particularly to the United States. Presently, diverse national and sub-regional initiatives are attempting to produce greater degrees of autonomy to confront the challenges that the issue involves. Is a united regional response feasible? What role does Latin America play in the drug problem’s world stage? What lessons can the region give in matters of innovative initiatives?

Conference: The impact of supply reduction strategies on illicit drug availability and violence.

The effect of drug law enforcement on its intended goals and on unintended consequences will be discussed. Which long-term trends have been in the price, purity, and availability of illicit drugs over the last two decades, along with specific governmental responses to this issue (seizures, increased drug control funding)? How has drug law enforcement had an unintended effect on violence? ¿Which mechanisms may result in an increase in violence?